First Blog Post: Curves and Footprints
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. - Pablo Picasso
Hello world! I'm thrilled to write for my first blog post. My name is Jie and I'm 22 years old, from Sarawak. I was born in Sibu and took 5 years Bachelor Degree in TESL since 2014. Now I'm in my fourth year on the road to finals and struggling too much working on my final research.
Social life isn't my kinda thing. Sometimes, I caught myself trying so hard to fit in and ended up making fools of myself trying to please everybody. So, I found comfort working with my laptop and smartphone...and that's bits and pieces how I got myself into "virtual" social life, leading me to start up this blog.
"Curves" tells a lot about my life. Curves, someway or another talks about my personal life and whatever things that shape up me."Footprints" on the other hand resides in my passion for travelling and roaming anywhere I could possibly can. So, you guys can basically expect that my blog posts are going to be junks and and amazing things around me...well, life is a gift and i found my happiness in sharing those junks..LOL
I grew up with so many dreams and goals..being a princess is one of them...and yes, I grew up loving to write and read. I invested my time and hobbies into so many things. So, by having this blog around, I wish whatever I write on will be able to inspire and gives meaning to the life of others by sharing what life has given itself.
Blogging is a thing that I've been wanting to do for quite a long time. There were few tryouts on putting up a blog but it didn't end up well, somehow forgotten. But this time around, I believe its gonna be different because I've got friends and families who keeps on pushing me to put up a blog and share about my life.
I guess that's about it.
I'd love to hear more from you guys on how I should work on this blog...or maybe suggest me some blogs that I should read on, because OMG, I like to read blogs too. Keeps the inspiration going.
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